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dc.contributor.advisorR.J., Kleber
dc.contributor.advisorT.P.C., Lucker
dc.contributor.authorSteeg, N.A. van der
dc.description.abstractDo individual characteristics influence the treatment progress of forensic psychiatric patients? This question is researched in a population of 65 Dutch male forensic psychiatric patients in the FPC Oostvaarderskliniek. The individual characteristics are ethnical background, intelligence, personality disorder and the total time of treatment. Treatment progress is divided in two aspects (attitude and behaviour) and is measured with a few questionnaires of the FP40-profiellijsten (Brand, & Emmerik, 2001). There is a progression in attitude by forensic psychiatric patients, but there is no progress in their behaviour. A stepwise regression analysis showed that no individual characteristic influenced treatment progress. This study has a few limitations, such as a small sample size. Future research is necessary.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.format.extent204207 bytes
dc.titleDe invloed van individuele kenmerken op de behandelvoortgang tijdens een tbs-behandeling: Zijn allochtone achtergrond, intelligentie, persoonlijkheidsproblematiek en de totale behandelduur van invloed op de verandering van houding en het gedrag bij een Nederlandse groep tbs-patiënten?
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsForensische psychologie, persoonlijkheidsstoornissen, etniciteit, TBS, evaluatie behandeingen
dc.subject.courseuuKlinische en Gezondheidspsychologie

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