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dc.contributor.advisorGeenen, Rinie
dc.contributor.authorCornelissen, Isa
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. Somatic-symptom disorder (SSD) does not have a uniform treatment plan. One step closer to a best fitting plan is getting insight into encompassing treatment goals patients may have. Using a patient-centered approach has been proven to be beneficial. So, the aim of this pilot study is to determine the individual treatment goals of patients with SSD. Method. A concept mapping procedure was used. Nine participants with somatic symptoms were interviewed or filled in an online questionnaire. Forty-three individual treatment goals were obtained and a card sorting task was individually performed by eleven participants. Those results were then analyzed using hierarchical cluster analysis. Results. Nine clusters were found and five overarching categories. Clusters included: Structured Life, Trigger Management, Overcoming Fear, Becoming Independent, Physical Improvement, Dealing with Invalidation, Acceptance, Enjoyment and Positive Mindset. Overarching categories were: Self-reliant, Skill Improvement, Acknowledgement, Fulfillment and Physical Improvement. Discussion. This study offers an encompassing overview of goals patients with SSD want to obtain in treatment. These differ from goals described by clinicians and despite its limitations, this study can be an indicator for a more patient-centered approach and be useful in shared decision making.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectCreating an overview of individual treatment goals which patients with somatic symptom disorder have at the beginning of their treatment.
dc.titleIndividual treatment goals in patients with somatic symptom disorder from the perspective of patients: a concept mapping study
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsSomatic symptom disorder; Treatment goals; Patient perspective; Concept mapping.
dc.subject.courseuuClinical Psychology

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