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dc.contributor.advisorBoeve-de Pauw, J.N.A.
dc.contributor.authorKok, Nanja de
dc.description.abstractThis research, titled "Environmental Competence in a Visit to the Botanic Gardens?: Analysis of Educational Material and Adolescent Visitor Experiences," explores the presence of environmental competence within the Botanic Gardens of Utrecht University. The study aims to identify elements of the pro-environmental competence model and assesses the incorporation of two major environmental values within the practices of the botanic Gardens using a mixed-method approach. The results of the study were based on a quantitative analysis of the educational material, and a qualitative analysis of de adolescent experience aimed to make visible through interviews. The findings reveal a predominant presence of the Utilization factor, as per the 2-MEV model, in both aspects. As previous research suggests that this factor may have a counterproductive effect on adolescents' environmentally friendly behaviour, this indicates a need for a reconsideration of the Botanic Gardens' current educational practices. The study recommends a shift in communicational practices, emphasizing the altruistic factor of Preservation to motivate visitors towards environmentally conscious living. It is suggested that information shared in the signs, which are identified as potential tools for engaging visitors, should be reconsidered. Key considerations for improvement include portraying the inherent value of nature, offering guidance on resource conservation and environmental preservation, and transforming factual knowledge into engaging, actionable information. Despite the identified gaps in the current educational practices, the results of the adolescent experiences do show a potential of fostering a genuine and deep-seated appreciation for nature, which might be the most powerful catalyst for positive environmental behaviour.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThe study aims to identify elements of the pro-environmental competence model and assesses the incorporation of two major environmental values within the practices of the botanic Gardens using a mixed-method approach.
dc.titleEnvironmental competence in a visit to the Botanic Gardens?: Analysis of educational material and adolescent visitor experiences
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsBotanic gardens; Environmental competence; 2-MEV model, Pro-environmental competence model; informal education
dc.subject.courseuuScience Education and Communication

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