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dc.contributor.advisorBochove, Christiaan van
dc.contributor.authorTieke, Lukas
dc.description.abstractThe Fair Food Project by Community of Immokalee Workers presents a social movement that transitions from a local, grassroots project in a marginalised farming community in the US, to an institutional program of worker-led social responsibility. The driving factor of this social movement is the presence globalisation from below. It entails social justice and academic networks that aim to link marginalised communities to new conceptions of their place in the socio-economic context of their world. This acts as both the pre-condition necessary for change, as well as the tool for change itself, working primarily through popular education and expanding information and identity networks. The network pathways of globalisation from below are the initial enablers for the tangible drivers of social movements.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectAn exploration of the driving factors for social movements taking place in globalised, capitalist economies. This study examines the case of the Community of Immokalee's Fair Food Program and its transition from grassroots activism to implementing a national level social responsiblity program that ensures workers' rights in the US agricultural industry.
dc.titleGlobalisation from below: the fair food program
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsLabour rights; globalisation; US agricultural industry; social movements
dc.subject.courseuuGeschiedenis van Politiek en Maatschappij

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