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dc.contributor.advisorValtolina, Chiara
dc.contributor.authorBekkers, Willemijn
dc.description.abstractThis retrospective study evaluates the incidence of post-operative complications in 48 cats undergoing transsphenoidal hypophysectomy at the University Clinic for Companion Animals in Utrecht between January 1994 and December 2020. It aims to determine if a correlation exists between tumor size and the severity of these complications. Pre-operative data included tumor size measured by CT or MRI scans, and various clinical parameters. Post-surgical data encompassed survival, diabetes status, hospital stay duration, insulin dosage, and hematological values. The findings reveal no significant correlation between tumor size and post-operative complications, such as admission time, diabetes, electrolyte concentrations, and wound dehiscence. Although larger tumors were hypothesized to cause more
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectEen retrospectieve studie over de incidentie van post-operatieve complicties bij een transphenoidale hypophysectomie bij katten en evaluatie van de eventuele correlatie met de tumorgrootte.
dc.titleEvaluation of the incidence of complications after transsphenoidal hypophysectomy in cats and the possible relation to the tumor size
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordstranssphenoidal hypophysectomy; cats; complications; blood chemistry; acromegaly; tumor size
dc.subject.courseuuGeneeskunde van gezelschapsdieren

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