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dc.contributor.advisorAddo, Kwabena Aboah
dc.contributor.authorSalimiyan, Taravat
dc.description.abstractThis thesis examines the impact of environmental, social, and governance practices by truck manufacturers on their financial performance across Europe and the United States. By comparing companies in these regions, the study reveals how ESG integration affects financial market performance metrics such as ROA and Tobin's Q. The research draws on Stakeholder Theory and Shareholder Theory to frame the discussion that will investigate how ESG considerations may affect investment decisions and corporate strategies. Data was collected over the past eight years from various manufacturers of trucks. For the analysis, both fixed-effects and random-effects models have been used to account for differences across companies. Key variables such as market capitalization and debt-to-equity ratio were included to ensure a comprehensive analysis. The study results show that ESG factors and financial performance are not always directly related. For example, higher environmental scores benefit ROA in some models but negatively in other models. Additionally, different effects are shown by governance scores, indicating a complex and multifaceted influence of ESG components. The study provides suggestions for enhancing financial performance through moral decisions and describes best practices for taking ESG into account for the business plans. Companies can more effectively satisfy the demands of contemporary investors and stakeholders by establishing a balance between profitability and social responsibility, environmental care, and effective governance. In conclusion, the thesis highlights how ESG integration is becoming more and more significant in the truck manufacturing sector, and how it can improve financial performance. It offers useful information to businesses looking to improve their position in the market and draw in sustainable investment. To develop a more thorough understanding of how ESG affects corporate success, future research should keep examining these dynamics in various industries and geographical areas.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectIt examines the impact of ESG practices on truck manufacturers' financial performance in Europe and the US. Using Stakeholder and Shareholder Theories, it analyzes eight years of data with fixed and random-effects models, considering variables like market capitalization and debt-to-equity ratio. Findings show a complex relationship between ESG and financial performance, offering insights for enhancing corporate strategies and attracting sustainable investment.
dc.titleComparative Empirical Analysis of ESG Integration's Impact on Financial Performance in the Truck Manufacturing Sector: A Study of European and US Companies
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsESG, Finance, Truck Manufacturers, ROA, Tobin's Q, EPS
dc.subject.courseuuFinancial Management

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