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dc.contributor.advisorGreve, Maria
dc.contributor.authorEnde, Pepijn van den
dc.description.abstractThis thesis examines the well-being of immigrant and non-immigrant entrepreneurs from a global perspective, specifically investigating the effects of education and regional attitudes toward immigrants. The study finds that immigrant entrepreneurs often face lower well-being compared to their non-immigrant counterparts. This disparity is influenced by two primary factors: the educational background of the entrepreneurs and the prevailing regional attitudes toward immigrants. Regions with negative attitudes towards immigrants tend to exacerbate well-being challenges, while higher educational levels can somewhat mitigate these effects. The research suggests that improving education access and fostering more inclusive regional attitudes are crucial for enhancing the well-being and success of immigrant entrepreneurs.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectMijn scriptie onderzoekt het welzijn van immigranten- en niet-immigrantenondernemers vanuit een wereldwijd perspectief. Het onderzoek richt zich op de verschillen in welzijn tussen deze groepen, waarbij factoren zoals economische prestaties, discriminatie, toegang tot financiering en regionale attitudes ten opzichte van immigranten worden meegenomen. Het doel is om zowel beleidsmakers als ondernemers inzicht te bieden in de specifieke uitdagingen en voordelen van immigrantenondernemerschap.
dc.titleComparative Well-being of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Entrepreneurs: A Global Perspective
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsImmigrant entrepreneurs; Non-immigrant entrepreneurs; Well-being; Economic performance; Discrimination; Access to financing; Regional attitudes; Self-employment; Entrepreneurship; Psychological well-being
dc.subject.courseuuInternational Management

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