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dc.contributor.advisorLoyens, K.M.
dc.contributor.authorHegeman, Luca
dc.description.abstractCurrently, there is often a selective group of citizens who actively participate in mini-publics and let their voice be heard. The question is, how can the voices of minorities be echoed through artistic interventions? This research explores the role artistic interventions can play in mini- publics regarding inclusion. To study this, an ethnographic comparative case study, is conducted. This research entails two expert-interviews, 14 participant-interviews and six observations. Additionally, poetic inquiry is used to collect and analyse the data and provide a more accessible way to share the findings of this research to create social impact. The main findings of this research suggest several opportunities when it comes to including artistic interventions in mini-publics to enhance inclusion. First, artistic interventions stimulate participants to think further ahead than their present life and their own issues. This stimulates inclusion since they move beyond their personal issues and work towards a joint vision. Second, artistic interventions influence the atmosphere of the group, creating a calming and relaxing environment for participants to work, stimulating them to actively participate. Third, it offers participants the possibility to express themselves in several ways, making it possible for them to get a grip on the discussed topics and participate on equal footing. However, this study also shows that the implementation of artistic interventions needs to be developed further for optimal functioning. To be able to enhance inclusion through artistic interventions, it is crucial to get to know the audience and the place the mini public will take place. Is there a need to provide further elaboration on this and the process of the evening? Should there be a warning for things getting too personal? These factors can influence how people experience the different artistic interventions. Additionally, it is crucial to take participants along in the reasoning why a specific artistic intervention is implemented and what it will bring them, for them to actively participate. Overall, this study aims to provide insights on inclusion and artistic intervention in mini- publics. These insights could guide organizations, towards a more inclusive way of organising mini-publics, with the help of artistic intervention, if implemented correctly and with care.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectAn ethnographic comparative case study on the effects of artistic interventions on inclusion within mini-publics.
dc.titleEchoing the voices of the minority through artistic interventions
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsmini-public; artistic intervention; inclusion, citizen assembly; plekberaad; futuring
dc.subject.courseuuOrganising Social Impact

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