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dc.contributorSupervisors: Madelon van den Dobbelsteen, Lando S. Bosma, Cornel Zachiu, Sara L. Hackett
dc.contributor.advisorHackett, Sara
dc.contributor.authorVries, Laurie de
dc.description.abstractImage-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) enables visualization of the anatomy and anatomical changes. Due to changes, the dose can end up in a different location than initially planned. Taking changes into account for dose accumulation is done with deformable image registration (DIR). The registration is done on the basis of images acquired during treatment. The validation of the accumulated dose remains challenging due to the lack of a ground truth. The purpose of this study is to investigate deformable dose accumulation and the usage of a novel deformable dosimeter as its validation. This study demonstrated the feasibility of the novel prototype insert for validating deformable dose accumulation. Furthermore, all methods used in this study to obtain the accumulated dose were far superior to assuming the planned dose was delivered.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThe thesis is about the validation of defomable dose accumulation in the field of image guided radiotherapy. In this study a prototype deformable dosimeter insert has been used.
dc.titleValidation of deformable dose accumulation for image guided radiotherapy using a deformable dosimeter insert
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsdeformable image registration; dose accumulation; IGRT; MR-linac; quality assurance
dc.subject.courseuuMedical Imaging

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