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dc.contributor.advisorMartins Sampaio, Dora
dc.contributor.authorAbdel Khalek, Majd
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to understand the post-retirement mobility plans of middle-aged and pre-elderly first-generation Lebanese migrants in the Netherlands, specifically investigating what are the major influences that shape their aspirations and capabilities, and how those influences shape their potential future post-retirement mobility choices, between their current residence and their country of origin. Employing a multi-method qualitative approach that combines in depth individual interviews, and ethnographic observations, the research concluded different types of influencing factors leading to various choices of mobility. Healthcare, Finances, and Adaptation were major capability influencing factors, while Nostalgia, Social connections, and Family constituted the major aspiration influencing considerations. On one hand, individuals that strongly desire to return post-retirement to Lebanon, some had limited capabilities due to financial resources, healthcare accessibility, or family commitments in the Netherlands, while others had capabilities to adapt to these constraints and planned their mobility clearly. On the other hand, other respondents had no aspiration to retire in Lebanon or have mobility between the countries disregarding the availability or lack thereof of capabilities.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThe research aimed to understand the choices of post-retirement mobility plans among the Lebanese first generation immigrants by analyzing what are the key aspects that shape and influence their aspirations and capabilities for post-retirement lives. Furthermore, understanding aspirations and capabilities translate into understanding immigrant mobility by analyzing their mobility projections and plans for post-retirement.
dc.titleSo... What's Next? The Role of Aspirations and Capabilities in Post-Retirement Mobility Planning Among Older FirstGeneration Lebanese Migrants in The Netherlands
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsRetirement; Migration; Remigration; Aspirations; Capabilities; Mobility; Lebanese
dc.subject.courseuuInternational Development Studies

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