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dc.contributor.advisorJenks, Christopher
dc.contributor.authorHoven, Lynn van den
dc.description.abstractWith over 3.26 billion players globally, video games are more than just entertainment; they are powerful mediums shaping how individuals learn, behave, and connect in today's world. Despite the growing interest in exploring positive gaming experiences and their potential to improve well-being, the majority of studies have primarily focused on male gamers, video game addiction, violent games, and aggression, often highlighting the negative impacts on mental health. This study delves into the often-overlooked perspectives of female gamers, who comprise approximately half the gaming population. Using a narrative analysis in female gaming communities and surveys, this research builds on the limited research exploring how women perceive the positive impact of video games on their well-being during difficult life experiences. The findings reveal that all elements contributing to well-being, according to Seligman's (2011) PERMA model—positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment—can be facilitated and promoted by playing video games. Additionally, games can offer emotional fulfillment and management, respite and relief, personal growth, a sense of belonging, and a source of happiness in various difficult life experiences such as depression, anxiety, stress, and self-esteem issues. These insights contribute to understanding the discursive resources used by female gamers in a culture dominated by male narratives and discourses. They also provide insights into creating supportive, inclusive, and empowering environments both in games and within gaming communities, enabling better utilization of gaming's potential to positively impact women’s lives.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThis study focuses on how women, including those who identify as women, trans women, or non-binary, cope with difficult life experiences through video games and the impact this has on their well-being. These insights contribute to understanding the discursive resources used by female gamers in a culture dominated by male narratives and discourses.
dc.titleThe impact of gaming on well-being and coping among women
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordspositive psychology, video games, coping, gender studies
dc.subject.courseuuInterculturele communicatie

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