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dc.contributor.advisorWerning, S.
dc.contributor.authorLycklama, Amy
dc.description.abstractBatman has been a cultural figure for the better part of the last century and undergone much change in that time and become a transmedial figure. This thesis discusses and explores the ways in which fans of the Batman game title Gotham Knights frame and discuss the topic of gender within the title, as well as how these fans may engage with the civic imagination to explore alternative game experiences and narratives. Using a framing analysis to examine online posts shared to Reddit and Steam forums, this thesis explores how gamic discourse is used to frame female villains, construct masculinity through nostalgia and the gaming industry, and explore the ways in which co-creative though and the civic imagination offer suggestions for further growth in diversity and acceptance.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectAn exploration of the discussion of Gender within the comments about the 2022 Game Gotham Knights as seen on Steam and Reddit.
dc.titleThe Tenets of Knighthood: The Framing of Gender and the Civic Imagination in Online Fan-Discourse Surrounding Gotham Knights
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsGames; Media Studies; Audience research;Fan studies; Gender: Gender Diversity; Media Discourse; Framing Analysis
dc.subject.courseuuNew Media and Digital Culture

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