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dc.contributor.advisorFörster, Désirée
dc.contributor.authorKoukouve, Despoina
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the Rijksmuseum's TikTok page, focusing on two specific posts by the museum. It analyzes how the museum leverages participatory practices to engage with its audience. One of the examined videos delves into the concept of cult value, while the other addresses the participatory gap. The analysis reveals that the museum utilizes the platform's features and options to bridge the participatory gap and deconstruct cult value.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectLooking through the Rijksmuseum use of TikTok for audience engagement within the participatory museum guidelines. The theory that was kept in mind was the participatory gap - how there are not many participatory practices online - and the perception of artifacts, based on Benjamin's cult vs. exhibition value
dc.titleBeyond the frame: Exploring Museums' Utilization of TikTok for Audience Engagement: A Case Study of the Rijksmuseum.
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsRijksmuseum; participatory practices; TikTok; cult value; exhibition value; Benjamin
dc.subject.courseuuNew Media and Digital Culture

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