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dc.contributor.advisorSluijs, Appy
dc.contributor.authorPepe, Bernardo
dc.description.abstractThis MSc thesis presents a comprehensive investigation into the effects of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) on Bonaire's coral reefs following its first sighting in March 2023. Through a series of surveys over the last 9 years and a rigorous statistical analysis, this study not only quantifies the overall decline in coral cover but also investigates the spatial variability of SCTLD's impact across different subregions of the reef. In the year 2023, a crucial period in the initial phase of the progression of SCTLD, a significant reduction in coral coverage was observed, with six key reef-building coral species showing a notable vulnerability. Importantly, the research identifies specific subregions that have been disproportionately affected, which may help in targeted conservation actions. The insights gained from this study are important for the development of specific conservation strategies for Bonaire, underscoring the importance of precision in disease management and the necessity for ongoing ecosystem monitoring to safeguard the future of coral reefs in a changing ocean. By advancing our understanding of SCTLD dynamics, this research contributes to the global effort to preserve coral reef ecosystems in the face of emerging coral diseases.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectAnalysis on population dynamics of 6 coral reef building species since the arrival of Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD).
dc.titleAssessing the impact of stony coral tissue loss disease on coral cover in Bonaire's reef ecosystems
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordscoral; disease; spread; hard; turf; extinction; ecology; biodiversity; SCTLD; Stoney; tissue loss; Caribbean; Dutch Caribbean; Bonaire; symbionts; algae; water; Antilles; island; Atlantic; Ocean
dc.subject.courseuuMarine Sciences

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