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dc.contributor.advisorBaatsen, M.L.J.
dc.contributor.authorMödl, Anja
dc.description.abstractChanges in ocean density influence ocean sea level and global ocean overturning circulation. Therefore, understanding ocean density changes is crucial to understand ocean circulation and its role in the climate system, by influencing heat and carbon uptake, storage and distribution. In this thesis, we use observational data of temperature and salinity to calculate global density changes and investigate its effects on ocean circulation and sea level change. We focus on the contributions related to mesoscale and small-scale mixing processes, where the former are separated in a horizontal component near the surface and an isoneutral component in the interior. We further distinguish between processes that only redistribute density and processes that have a net effect on global mean density in the ocean (Cabbeling and Thermobaricity). To relate density changes to the ocean circulation, we use the water mass transformation framework, which quantifies mass transport due to density changes. Analysing the different mixing processes, we can show that Cabbeling and Thermobaricity are important for the production of intermediate water along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio, and for the production of Nord Atlantic Deep Water in the Atlantic and Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Ocean; where the effect of Thermobaricity is one order of magnitude smaller than the effect of Cabbeling. Further, we identify that horizontal mixing processes, redistributing density in the boundary layer, are strongly related to ocean surface currents. Redistribution by vertical mixing depends predominantly on vertical buoyancy gradients and bathymetry. When combining all terms, we find a resulting global mean sea level change of -2.4 mm/yr, which is of the same order of magnitude as the +3.7 mm/yr observed global mean sea level rise. This emphasises the importance of accurately representing ocean mixing, to understand ocean density change and its impact on circulation and sea level rise.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectWhen one mixes temperature and salinity, nonlinear effects of the equation of state, have an impact on the fluid parcel's density. That is, the density will not change linearly. Therefore, the effects mixing has on density can be rewritten as a globally conserved term and a production term. Here we investigate the roles of the different nonlinear processes and their effects on the ocean’s density combining theory and observationally based ocean climatology of temperature, salinity and pressure.
dc.titleDensity changes in the ocean due to mixing - and its effects on circulation and sea level change -
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsOcean mixing, Cabbeling, Thermobaricity, Water Mass Transformation
dc.subject.courseuuClimate Physics

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