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dc.contributor.advisorVries, Imar de
dc.contributor.authorHek, Jesse
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the 17th Shard’s Arcanum archival platform in the context of fan engagement with fantasy author Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere storyworld. The main research question driving this study is: How may the affordances of the 17th Shard’s Arcanum archival platform allow for the creation of a fan curated transmedia paratext accompanying the published Cosmere works, and for the empowerment of fans as they exert discursive power over Brandon Sanderson? Through an analysis of the plat-form’s functional and cognitive affordances, two user groups emerged: productive edi-tors expanding the Cosmere’s knowledge base, and consumptive readers accessing this collective repository. Various cognitive affordances underscore the site’s legitimacy as a transmedia paratext as well as the significance of contributors. A poststructural dis-course analysis reveals an ongoing power struggle between Sanderson and fans, with the Arcanum platform capturing interactions that highlight a collaborative construction of the Cosmere’s canon. Existing theories of transmedia storytelling focus on official works, with fan creations being labelled as ‘fanon’ (Jenkins 2006; Mittell 2015; Thon 2015; Hills 2018). Conversely, the Arcanum platform holds a unique position as a fan curated paratext that is recognized by fans and author as a legitimate part of the transmedial universe. Because of this, the concept of transmedia may be expanded to include fan made works, as long as they are recognized as such by the different parties involved. The study emphasizes the Arcanum’s role in reflecting mutual respect between Sanderson and the 17th Shard, allowing fan-author interaction to flourish. Unlike other fandoms, the 17th Shard community focuses on producing new content, creatively ex-panding the transmedial universe of the Cosmere. This creative empowerment, com-bined with the platform’s credibility as a transmedia paratext, showcases the Arca-num’s distinctiveness. The platform empowers fans to uncover the intricacies of their favorite book series, forming a dynamic space where fan agency and authorial authori-ty converge. This thesis underscores the evolving landscape of fan-author engagement and the Arcanum’s role in enriching the narrative of the Cosmere through collaborative efforts between Sanderson and his dedicated fan community.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThis thesis explores the 17th Shard’s Arcanum archival platform in the context of fan engagement with fantasy author Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere storyworld. The main research question driving this study is: How may the affordances of the 17th Shard’s Arcanum archival platform allow for the creation of a fan curated transmedia paratext accompanying the published Cosmere works, and for the empowerment of fans as they exert discursive power over Brandon Sanderson?
dc.titleChallenging Canonicity Through Technology: The Arcanum platform as a fan curated transmedia paratext
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsArcanum archival platform; 17th Shard community; Brandon Sanderson; Cosmere; fan curated transmedia paratext; canon construction
dc.subject.courseuuNew Media and Digital Culture

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