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dc.contributor.advisorRoelfsema, Hein
dc.contributor.authorWeenink, Roland
dc.description.abstractConstant pressure on businesses to innovate and improve efficiency in order to remain competitive has led to a shortage of software developers. This in turn has led to an increase in popularity of Low-Code No-Code frameworks (LCNC). LCNC frameworks are easy to use, visual drag-and-drop development platforms that enable employees with domain knowledge to develop applications without a proper programming background (citizen developers). This study assessed how three different LCNC frameworks, SAP Build, Mendix and Neptune compare based on a quantification method of their feature set. Furthermore, the strengths and weaknesses of these LCNC frameworks are determined and analysed based on their impact on the IT world. The findings show that Mendix has the average highest potential based on its features, having the highest collaborative development support and the most graphical user interface features. SAP Build has the strongest interoperability support, and the strength of Neptune is within the reusability feature. The strengths and weaknesses of each LCNC framework differ, therefore the impact of each LCNC is dependent on the specific use case. A recommendation to Accenture is made on how to position LCNC frameworks to their clients based on this research. LCNC framework adoption leads to the overall benefits of an increased development speed and cost reduction and drawbacks in customisability in general. The recommendation for a specific LCNC framework highly depends on the needs and sector of the client.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectDe scriptie onderzoekt drie verschillende Low-code No-code frameworks, waarin de drie met elkaar vergeleken worden op basis van verschillende functies en kenmerken. Hiervoor is een quantificatie methode gebruikt die op basis van qualitatieve data over de drie frameworks (uit interviews, grijze literatuur en empirisch onderzoek), het vergelijken van de drie frameworks mogelijk maakt. Ook de positie en impact van Low-Code No-Code frameworks in de business wereld is onderzocht.
dc.titleComparative study of three Low-Code No-Code Frameworks
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsLow-Code No-Code, LCNC, LCDP, SAP, Mendix, Neptune, Software, Accenture
dc.subject.courseuuScience and Business Management

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