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dc.contributor.advisorHeesters, B.A.
dc.contributor.authorWout, Marije van 't
dc.description.abstractUpon exposure to foreign antigens, germinal center (GC) responses result in the generation of high-affinity plasma cells and memory B cells, providing long-term protection against infection. Re-exposure to previously encountered antigens typically results in faster and higher affinity antibody responses due to rapid differentiation of memory B cells into antibody-secreting plasma cells. However, to generate antibodies against new epitopes, the generation of high-quality secondary, or ‘recall’, GCs is desired. Previous studies have shown that antigen-specific antibodies can suppress recall GC quality by blocking antigenic epitopes for naive B cells or promoting Fc-dependent antigen clearance. However, there is still a lot unknown about the effect of prior antigen exposure on recall GC quality and in particular the influence of pre-existing antibodies. By using prime-boost models for the influenza hemagglutinin protein, we show that B cells in recall GCs poorly bind to the immunogen. Recall GC quality could be improved by inhibiting the generation of antibody-producing plasma cells during primary immune responses, supporting the notion that antibody-mediated suppression is an important mechanism by which recall GC quality is reduced. Boosting with variant antigen partially overcomes antibody-mediated suppression, as seen by increased antigen-binding of GC B cells. Interestingly, when mice were immunized with SARS-CoV-2 Spike or hemagglutinin mRNA, recall GC B cells showed similar antigen-binding to primary GC B cells, indicating that mRNA vaccination induces recall GCs of higher quality than protein immunization. Lastly, we studied the contribution of recall GC B cells to serum antibody levels by using a novel ‘molecular fate-mapping’ approach, in which fate-mapping of immunoglobulin molecules in GC B cells allows us to differentiate between antibodies formed in primary and recall responses. We show that there is little contribution of recall GC B cells to antigen-specific antibody levels, even upon mRNA vaccination, while memory B cells from the primary response are potently engaged. In the future, these insights into the mechanisms governing recall GC quality can be used to improve booster vaccination strategies.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectIn dit onderzoek beschrijven we dat de kwaliteit van secundaire (recall) germinal centers verminderd is ten opzichte van primaire germinal centers. Dit is te wijten is aan eerder gevormde antilichamen die antigeen kunnen binden en daarmee kunnen maskeren voor B cellen.
dc.titleAntibodies formed during primary immune responses suppress germinal center quality upon boosting
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsgerminal center; humoral immunity; antibody-mediated feedback; influenza
dc.subject.courseuuInfection and Immunity

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