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dc.contributorRizzolo, Silvia
dc.contributor.advisorMancini Teixeira, Heitor
dc.contributor.authorGongora Torres, Mateo
dc.description.abstractIn the face of numerous socio-ecological challenges confronting our current food systems, businesses have increasingly adopted sustainable practices based on western perspectives, often employing triple bottom line strategies. However, limited research exists on how rural communities develop their own business models based on their own knowledge systems. This study addresses this gap by investigating agroecological business models grounded in local epistemologies. The research centers on ASPROCIG, an organization situated in the Cienega Grande del Bajo Sinú region of Colombia. The research objective is to understand the key features of agroecological business models that contribute to sustainability transitions. As research design a qualitative inductive approach coupled with participatory action research was employed. The research process involved three main steps. Firstly, the community's perception and understanding of value were explored to analyze how these concepts translated into the business model. Secondly, a critical reflection on the model was undertaken, along with discussions encompassing theories of agroecology, solidarity economy, economy of care, and sustainable business models. Lastly, an overarching strategy was formulated to guide and enhance the business. The findings showcase that the underlying features of ASPROCIG's business model are deeply rooted in a collective knowledge system known as vivir sabroso (well-being), founded on pluralistic values and principles of solidarity and care that extend beyond mere financial gains. This model represents a food network ensuring Food Sovereignty for its stakeholders while fostering a platform for political engagement and co-creation. Following a SWOT analysis, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, a systemic strategy was developed, incorporating objectives in ten critical areas that are fundamental to enhancing sustainability transitions. A main outcome is a nuance conceptualization of an Agroecological Business Model canvas that serves as tool to analyze business models thoroughly. This research highlights the implications for agroecology and sustainable business model literature, underscoring its significance as an opportunity to reconceptualize prevailing paradigms regarding value, business, and development. Through the incorporation of pluralistic values grounded in a biocentric perspectives, embracing emancipatory agroecology, shaping to solidarity-based and care-oriented economies, and employing strategic approaches, Agroecological Business Models present a feasible path for communities to effectively tackle contemporary socio-ecological challenges and attain food sovereignty.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThis thesis investigates the role of Agroecological Business Models in supporting sustainability transitions. It showcases a case study where the ABM is based on pluralistic values. The research design is based on qualitative, participatory action research (PAR) methods.
dc.titleHarnessing Agroecological Business Model Potential - The Case Study of ASPROCIG - Colombia
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsAgroecology, Inclusive Business Models, Sustainability Transitions, Pluralistic Values
dc.subject.courseuuSustainable Business and Innovation

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