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dc.contributor.advisorExterne beoordelaar - External assesor,
dc.contributor.authorHoogmoed, Matthijs
dc.description.abstractThis research shows that it is possible to visualize and explore the clustering and patterns of the difference in the area of cadastral parcels in the Netherlands for the renewed (6th) version of the Dutch Cadastral Map. The research itself is implemented using a literature study, design and experiments and feedback from the Dutch Cadastre. The visualization and exploration are tested on data from the current Cadastral Map (Basisregistratie Kadaster, Base Register Kadaster: BRK) and the Cadastral Map next (Kadastrale Kaart Next, KKN) pilot. However, this research focuses more on comparing the difference in the calculated and registered surface area of parcels using the current cadastral map. The visualization challenges include showing changes at individual parcel level and aggregated levels (section, municipality), showing the amount of difference (relative/absolute sizes, acceptable/not acceptable), and the direction of change (smaller, bigger). This change is relevant for many organizations: apart from Dutch Cadastre, also the owners, municipalities, water boards and provinces, as a change in the area may imply a change in value and change in taxation. The current results show a significant preliminary difference in the area difference between parcels in rural and built-up areas in the Netherlands. Furthermore, clusters of parcels with the largest difference can be found in the natural areas of the Netherlands, which exceed the limits set by the Dutch cadastre. Furthermore, new-urban and agricultural areas show a high correlation between the registered and the calculated surface area of parcels. Lastly, the KKN pilot shows that there is a possibility of significant changes in the parcel area when the 6th Cadastral Map is implemented.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectResearch into visualizing the surface area differences of the cadastral map of the Netherlands. The study looked into the surface area differences of the current cadastral map and the surface difference of the 6th revision of the cadastral map.
dc.titleVisualizing the area differences of the 6th Cadastral Map of the Netherlands
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsCadastre; Digital cadastre; Parcel legal/administrative area; Parcel geometric/map area
dc.subject.courseuuGeographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA)

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