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dc.contributor.advisorDelnoij, Joyce
dc.contributor.authorKist, Sven
dc.description.abstractThis thesis has investigated Europeanization mechanisms for the Netherlands through the Covid Recovery and Resilience Facility. In doing so, it has looked into the (potential) misfits between the Dutch policy, procedural, and institutional context, the adaptational pressures, and the domestic change as a result of these pressures and misfits in order to grasp how Europeanization takes place for the Netherlands through the RRF. It has found larger-than-expected misfits and considerable adaptational pressures. The domestic change this brings depends largely on future developments, but it can be concluded that significant constraining factors limit paradigmatic domestic change through the RRF.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectHow can the Recovery and Resilience Facility be considered a compliance mechanism for Europeanization to the Netherlands by the European Commission?
dc.titleEuropeanization mechanisms for the Netherlands through the Recovery and Resilience Facility
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsEuropeanization; Recovery and Resilience Facility, adaptational pressures; conditionality; performance-based budgeting;
dc.subject.courseuuEuropean Governance

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