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dc.contributor.advisorHerder, E.
dc.contributor.authorBrun, Elias
dc.description.abstractThe present thesis focuses on examining young adults' food waste behaviour and the effectiveness of digital nudges in promoting sustainable behaviours through food waste reduction apps. The research begins with a comprehensive literature review on food waste, digital nudging, and relevant theoretical frameworks. A mixed-methods approach was employed, involving a questionnaire survey and focus groups to gather data from participants who used food waste reduction apps for a week. By analysing survey and focus groups data collected before and after app usage, this research highlights a prevalent concern among participants regarding food waste, as well as a personal commitment to minimising it through various strategies. Participants' feedback provides valuable insights for improving app features and user experience, including enhanced intuitiveness, connectivity with household members, and flexible expiration dates. The study aligns with established theories on climate change perception and emphasises the need for tailored green nudges to foster sustainable behaviour change. The thesis concludes by acknowledging limitations, including usability issues, potential response bias, and limited generalisability. Suggestions for future research include exploring different types of nudges, quantifying the impact of app usage on behaviour change, and conducting long-term studies. By addressing these areas, stakeholders can develop more effective interventions and strategies for reducing food waste among young adults and beyond. Ultimately, the insights gained from this study can inform the design of more effective app-based nudges, enhance individuals' engagement with food waste reduction efforts, and contribute to the broader goal of achieving sustainable environmental practices.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThis thesis focuses on examining young adults' food waste behaviour and the effectiveness of digital nudges in promoting sustainable behaviours through food waste reduction apps. After a comprehensive literature review on relevant theoretical frameworks, a mixed-methods approach was then employed to gather data from participants who used food waste reduction apps for a week, to determine what factors influence their food waste behaviour and how can digital nudges promote a more sustainable one.
dc.titleDigital Green Nudges to Fight Food Waste
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuHuman-Computer Interaction

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