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dc.contributor.advisorWeerd, Pomme van de
dc.contributor.authorIppel, Elsemarijn
dc.description.abstractThis study investigated the effective elements of interdisciplinary collaboration in youth services to multi-problem families by identifying the challenges and effective elements. When cooperation between different areas of expertise in youth care does not work well, it can negatively affect the quality of care. In this study, 13 participants were interviewed and surveyed, including 9 collaboration partners of the municipality of Utrecht and 4 experts by experience. The findings highlight that communication, mutual trust, shared ownership of goals, willingness to collaborate and reflection on the process are important working elements. Two new active elements were identified during the interviews: expressing expectations and coordinating collaboration. The study shows that a coordinating role in interdisciplinary collaboration is complex or lacking. A recommendation is to assign a coordinating role to the interdisciplinary team. Future research is necessary to investigate the skills needed for the coordinating role. A further recommendation is to organize case-based evaluation and reflection sessions with the interdisciplinary team and the family. In addition, it is important to organize meetings to get to know each other better as a team to build trust. Keywords: interdisciplinary collaboration, effective elements, youth care, mulitproblem families.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectEen onderzoek naar werkzame elementen van interdisciplinaire samenwerking van jeugdhulp aan multiprobleemgezinnen
dc.titleEffectieve Samenwerking in de Jeugdhulp
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuYouth, Education and Society

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