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dc.contributor.advisorSark, Wilfried van
dc.contributor.authorBöck, Jim
dc.description.abstractThis research explores the potential of integrating Solar Electric Vehicles (SEVs) with Decentralized Energy Systems (DES) as a sustainable solution in Europe's energy and mobility transitions. By employing the Business Model Design Space (BMDS) and Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) frameworks, this study examines the drivers, barriers, opportunities, Business Model Innovation (BMI), technical specifications, digitalization, and policy measures associated with SEVs and DES in a socio-technical transition. The findings emphasize the need for a paradigm shift in the European automotive industry, promoting alternative socio-technical energy and personal mobility systems that align with principles of democracy and sustainability. By offering innovative sustainable products and services, SEVs with DES can redefine customers' emotional relationships with conventional automobile paradigms and energy use, thereby inspiring collective reimagination of existing systems. By integrating SEVs with DES and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) platforms, this BMI offers revolutionary customer experiences while reducing GHG emissions and minimizing environmental impact. The value capture opportunities arise from new revenue streams through MaaS and energy communities, fostering job creation along value networks. The challenges lie in the technological and regulatory dimensions, highlighting the need for a technological benchmark for SEVs and harmonized regulations across European member states. Additionally, policy measures should facilitate the development of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) capabilities, virtual power plants, and peer-to-peer trading. Open innovation, data privacy and security, interoperability, and efficient IT infrastructures are crucial for the successful development of SEV systems. Cross-sectoral collaboration between SEV niche-industry coalitions, governments, and industry incumbents is essential to overcome resource limitations and provide a platform for innovation in the SEV industry. The findings emphasize the importance of supporting niche-innovators and developing European standards and policies to enable SEVs with DES in Europe's sustainable energy and mobility transition. While the study focuses on Western European energy systems, the BMDS and MLP methodology can be applied to comparative system analyses globally. Limitations include the need for further exploration of socially innovative methodologies to mitigate rebound effects associated with market-based solutions. In conclusion, SEVs with DES have the potential to revolutionize the European energy transition by offering sustainable personal mobility and clean energy solutions. To realize this potential, greater investment in research and development, cross-sectoral collaboration, and the development of European standards for SEVs are necessary. By catalyzing the sustainability efforts of energy and mobility systems and inspiring users towards more sustainable norms and behaviors, SEVs with DES can contribute to the achievement of targets outlined in the European Climate Law.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectSEVs with DES can revolutionize personal mobility and energy use in Europe. This research explores Business Model Design Space for BMI, its barriers, and opportunities. Results emphasize incentives, harmonized regulations, and V2G capabilities. Also, collaboration among niche-industry coalitions, governments, and incumbents is crucial for innovation and sustainability.
dc.titleSolar Electric Vehicles with Distributed Energy Storage in the European energy transition: A socio-technical system analysis
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsBattery Electric Vehicle; Business Model Design Space; Business Model Innovation; Distributed Energy Resource; Distributed Energy Storage; Electric Vehicle; Mobility-as-a-Service; Multi-level Perspective; Renewable Energy Source; Solar Electric Vehicle; Vehicle-to-Grid; Vehicle-to-Home; Vehicle-to-Load; Vehicle-to-Anything; Vehicle Integrated Photovoltaic; energy transition; mobility transition; e-mobility; sustainable transport; industrial policy
dc.subject.courseuuSustainable Business and Innovation

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