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dc.contributor.advisorTribushinina, E.
dc.contributor.authorGiepmans, Celine
dc.description.abstractDue to upcoming changes in the Dutch curriculum, metalinguistic training will become more relevant to EFL education in the Netherlands. In the present study, three crosslinguistic lessons were designed for two classes of lower-level educational tracks (English-immersion and non-immersion). These materials were implemented in a three-week intervention, after which pupils were asked about their experience. In addition, the intervention materials were presented to experts: EFL teachers and a professional working for an educational publishing company. Though the experts were mostly positive, the pupils found the classes mostly redundant and non-engaging. Potentially, this negative feedback may be due to surface level features, such as length of direct instruction, rather than the metalinguistic nature of the intervention. These findings resulted in a list of good practices and suggestions based on the professional opinions of the interviewees, observations during the intervention lessons, and the experiences and feedback of the participating pupils.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectVoor deze scriptie heb ik een metatalige interventie ontworpen en getoetst voor de Engelse les van mavo-leerlingen. Ik heb gekeken hoe deze ontvangen is door de leerlingen en of mavo-docenten inschatten of dat dergelijk lesmateriaal effectief zou zijn. Dit was naar aanleiding naar aankomende vernieuwingen in het curriculum.
dc.titleAre Metalinguistic EFL Teaching Approaches Suitable for Dutch Pre-Vocational Pupils?
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsmetalinguistic instruction; crosslinguistic awareness; low-aptitude learners; instructional design; mavo; Dutch EFL education
dc.subject.courseuuMeertaligheid en taalverwerving

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