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dc.contributor.advisorBikker, Jacco
dc.contributor.authorCasteren, August van
dc.description.abstractRendering caustics within the real-time realm has recently become possible. While adaptive anisotropic photon scattering is capable of rendering high quality caustics with tight time constraints, the previous understanding of the method was lacking in several aspects. In this article, we report on the performance, features and limitations of AAPS. Two of these problem areas are aliasing and indirect visibility and we propose solutions for them. Aliasing can be significantly reduced at a low cost. Indirect visibility can also be solved in real-time, but the cost of doing so using our method is significantly higher than AAPS on its own.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectAAPS's Real-time caustic rendering has been improved in two ways: - Indirectly visible caustics are added - Aliasing is reduced In addition, we provide guidance and clarity on the process of implementing AAPS.
dc.titleExtending AAPS for higher quality caustic rendering
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuGame and Media Technology

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