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dc.contributor.advisorStoof, H.T.C.
dc.contributor.authorPapatheodorou, Agisilaos
dc.description.abstractMotivated by recent ARPES experiments on strange metals, we implement those measurements to the standard condensed-matter theory. Considering that the best description is found to be a nodal self-energy similar to that of the Gubser- Rocha model, derived by AdS/CFT calculations, we are encouraged to match this term’s analytical properties to the standard formalism and calculate the critical temperature corrections produced. Comparing it with the standard BCS predic- tion, we evaluate whether such correction has a tendency to higher temperature superconductivity.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectWe delve into experimental measurements of the two-dimensional strange metal self-energy where, using the standard condensed matter formalism, we analyze its corrective effect to the critical temperature prediction.
dc.titleSuperconductive Tendencies of Strange Metals
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsStrange metals; Condensed matter physics; AdS/CFT correspondence
dc.subject.courseuuTheoretical Physics

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