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dc.contributor.advisorWit, John de
dc.contributor.authorAlbers, Thijs
dc.description.abstractThe research presented in this thesis investigates the psychosocial reasons for MSM to engage in intravenous sexualized drug use. There is a lack of qualitative research concerning intravenous sexualized drug use among MSM and this research aims to contribute to governmental and public discourse around intravenous sexualized drug use. The main research question centers around the psychosocial reasons for MSM to engage in potentially risky behaviour such as intravenous sexualized drug use. In order to answer the research question, a qualitative, explorative study was designed, using a risk-environment framework and conceptualizing elements from well known public health models and theories such as the Health Belief Model (HBM). The main results show the individual and social dimensions underlying the reasons for MSM to engage in intravenous sexualized drug use. This research aims to put the lived and bodily experience of MSM engaging in sexualized drug use front and center, in order to potentially develop interventions and harm reduction measures rooted in knowledge gained from the community itself. Suggestions for such interventions involve ways to achieve an increased awareness of the individual and social motives of MSM associated with engaging in sexualized drug use, the development of appropriate harm reduction measures and the development of a culturally competent approach to these issues, which allows for a value neutral safe space for MSM to discuss sexualized drug use experiences.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectThe motivations for MSM (men who have sex with men) to engage in slamming, i.e. the intravenous use of crystal methamphetamine in a sexual context.
dc.titleMeth, Sex, Health and Pleasure: Exploratory research into the motivations for MSM (men who have sex with men) to engage in slamming, i.e. the intravenous use of crystal methamphetamine in a sexual context.
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsMeth, Sex, Health, MSM
dc.subject.courseuuSocial Policy and Public Health

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