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dc.contributor.advisorAkarsu, H.
dc.contributor.authorPietrini, Camilla
dc.description.abstractFossil fuel extraction is a controversial field in the context of Dutch energy policy. In the mainstream Dutch narrative, oil and gas are often portrayed as heroic entities that have contributed significantly to the country's wealth and history. However, communities living near extraction sites have direct contact with the company and can offer a counter-narrative which differs from that which is put forward by oil companies. In this thesis, I will focus on two small rural towns in the northern Netherlands that nurture two opposing narratives with respect to fossil fuel extraction. In both locations, extraction has affected the lifestyle of local communities, albeit in two different ways. My analysis took place in Schoonebeek and Appingedam; in the former locality people generally hold a positive view toward extractions, while in the latter many people protest to stop gas extractions. In order to understand these differences, the subjective experience of extractions and the social strategies implemented by NAM [Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij] must be analyzed. Using a multi-site approach, I will reflect on the different social strategies put in place by the company and analyze how these are intertwined with people's perceptions of extractions. Considering the direct experiences of the communities surrounding these extraction sites, this thesis aims to analyze the effects of these extractions, which are often not considered in official accounts.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectWhile using a multi-site approach, this thesis aims to analyze the social implications of fossil fuel extraction in two small rural towns located in the north of the Netherlands.
dc.titlePetro-villages: Living through fossil fuel extraction in rural North of the Netherlands
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsfossil fuel extraction and social impacts, multi-sited approach, Anthropology on the road
dc.subject.courseuuCultural Anthropology: Sustainable Citizenship

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