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dc.contributor.advisorMariacher, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorSchnee, Elena
dc.description.abstractThis thesis aims to address the question how Gertrud Kolmar’s novel Die jüdische Mutter (1930/31) approaches the issue of identity and alterity, and at the same time, in which way she deconstructs those western-occidental images of the ‘Other’ occurring in the text by making use of subversive strategies. Those images widely deal with forms of female as well as Jewish alterity which are, as will be demonstrated, interwoven in the novel in a complex way. The academic background of this contribution consists of a research landscape that lacks clarity, had problems in interpreting the novel and, therefore, often lead to questionable conclusions. Based on a broad analysis of the images of the female as well as the Jewish ‘Other’ used in Kolmar’s novel this thesis aims to fill some of these gaps in research. At the same time, it shall be demonstrated how those images are, not least as a result of an unconventional reinterpretation of the myth of Medea, are deconstructed in the course of the narration. Eventually, it is intended to show in which way Gertrud Kolmar initially allegedly mimes the western-occidental discourse of her time in order to let its logic burst by adding subtle and differentiated modifications. For reaching this goal this paper makes use of the technique of close reading as well as insights from the field of discourse analysis and feminist deconstruction.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.subjectIdentity, alterity and subversion in Gertud Kolmar's novel 'Die jüdische Mutter' (1930/31)
dc.titleDie jüdische Medea. Identität, Alterität und Subversion in Gertrud Kolmars Erzählung 'Die jüdische Mutter' (1930/31)
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.courseuuLiteratuur vandaag

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