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dc.contributor.advisorReijers, H.A.
dc.contributor.advisorBrand, N.A.
dc.contributor.authorNieuwmeijer, C.A.
dc.description.abstractThe global economy is characterised by dynamism, customisation and intense competition. In response to this globalisation, organisations recognise the importance of a digital transformation. However, there is a lack of strategic frameworks that help organisations digitally transform. Organisations need practical tools to guide their digital transformation. One of the most important aspects to ensure a successful digital transformation is to create a common and clear vision across stakeholders in the organisation. This research introduces the Business Activity Model, a model used to create a common perspective on business activities in an organisation. The model emphasises that different types of business activities exist, which have their own organisational and technological requirements. We introduce this perspective on business activities as a multimodal perspective.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleMultimodality and the Business Activity Model: Introducing a Multimodal Perspective on Organisations
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsdigital transformation; business activities; digital strategy; dynamism; differentiation
dc.subject.courseuuBusiness Informatics

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