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dc.contributor.advisorHacopian, A.
dc.contributor.advisorZwarts, J.
dc.contributor.advisorFlunger, B.
dc.contributor.advisorSteenman, S.
dc.contributor.advisorBenedicty-Kokken, A.
dc.contributor.authorSchildkamp, J.M.
dc.contributor.authorBijleveld, B.B.
dc.contributor.authorVeeren, H.H. van
dc.contributor.authorYeo, S.
dc.description.abstractThe present study researches teacher effectiveness and the strategies for its assessment and improvement. An interdisciplinary approach is used, which combines Educational Sciences, Linguistics, Gender and Postcolonial Studies, and Public Administration and Organisation Science in a comparative literature research. A new definition for teacher effectiveness was constructed using nine components that make up an effective teacher. Namely, (1) establishing an effective student-teacher relationship, (2) having good presentation- and organisational skills, (3) continuous professionalisation, (4) using diversity as an asset, (5) by challenging and motivating students, (6) providing fitting assessment and evaluation, (7) sufficient subject-matter experience, (8) focussing on leadership skill development, (9) and having communicative competence. Teachers should: be evaluated through student evaluations, improve capability to deal with difference in body and minds within the classroom, follow a TCS course, teaching leadership skills course, pedagogical courses, as well as courses on all nine components. As a result of the integration a cyclical process for improvement of teacher effectiveness was constructed. Teachers follow the three elements in a continuous cycle, namely, creating positive learning conditions, then student evaluations, then courses for improvement and/or courses for novice teachers. Limitations of the present study are reliability, time constraints and practicality of student evaluations. The practicalities around the suggested courses. As well as the underexposure of the relationship between research activity and teacher effectiveness.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe teacher as educator, communicator, leader and professional: An interdisciplinary framework for the improvement of teacher effectiveness
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsinterdisciplinarity; teacher effectiveness; cyclical integration; student-teacher relationship; professionalisation; more comprehensive understanding; students; assessment; improvement
dc.subject.courseuuLiberal Arts and Sciences

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