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dc.contributor.advisorAutar, L.M.A.
dc.contributor.authorBeers, Q.J.W. van
dc.contributor.authorBouman, N.
dc.contributor.authorPlomp, T.
dc.contributor.authorWaard, C.E. de
dc.description.abstractIn 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world and became one of the most urgent and unresolved societal issues of our time. In this interdisciplinary thesis we investigate the ways in which inequality and the international distribution of Covid-19 vaccines interact. The research question is investigated based on four disciplines Governance (GOV), International Relations (IR), Economics (ECO) and Postcolonial studies (PCS). Individually the disciplines use reductionism while the phenomenon requires a holistic approach. The unequal vaccine distribution came to existence due to the existing asymmetries in power. Inequality and the international Covid-19 vaccine distribution interact through the different types of power and therefore the obtaining, usage and extracting of resources, such as Covid-19 vaccines itself. Our suggestion for a follow-up research topic is how the redistribution of Covid-19 vaccines could be facilitated and accelerated through the COVAX initiative. Also, this research will raise questions about the inequality surrounding the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines and the global health care in general. If the aim is to reduce global inequality, it is important that international institutions and their regulations have the clear goal to achieve global solidarity in health care.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe inequality Virus: How do inequality and the international distribution of Covid-19 vaccines interact?
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsCOVID-19, COVAX, Inequality
dc.subject.courseuuLiberal Arts and Sciences

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