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dc.contributor.advisorSchramm, Marc
dc.contributor.advisorRashkova, Ekaterina
dc.contributor.authorJeremy Samuel Ngadiman, .
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to answer the research question how does collaborative governance contribute to agricultural innovation? Innovation system and collaborative governance literature can solve information and coordination barriers to innovation respectively but not both, creating the need to integrate the two literatures into an interdisciplinary study. A single case-study in Wanagiri Village, Bali, Indonesia, was used to answer the research question. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis were conducted to identify innovation functions and collaborative governance factors present in the case study. The findings suggest that collaborative governance contributes to agricultural innovation by providing a platform for generating learning dynamics where the government first experiences policy learning which then leads into interventions that fulfil innovation functions that spur learning in the private sector. Future research will need to obtain larger sample sizes, engage in comparative analysis, and continue interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialogue in order to fill the research gap on innovation through collaborative governance and understand how people work together to innovate, learn, and grow.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleAgricultural Innovation through Collaborative Governance: A Case Study of Community Empowerment in Wanagiri Village, Bali, Indonesia
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsagriculture, innovation, innovation system, technology, collaboration, collaborative governance, community empowerment, PNPM, Indonesia
dc.subject.courseuuPhilosophy, Politics and Economics

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