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dc.contributor.advisorRijt, B. van de
dc.contributor.authorWissink, A.
dc.contributor.authorTalha, İ.
dc.description.abstractAim. This study aims to investigate the relationship between mathematical skills and reading skills of grade 1 students. The role of gender between these skills is also evaluated. The development of early mathematical and reading skills are essential to function in society. Previous research has shown relationships between early mathematical and reading skills, but there is inconsistency about the role of gender in the relationship between early mathematical and reading skills. Previous research has also shown that reading comprehension could have a positive influence on mathematical skills, because of the need for language comprehension in solving arithmetic problems. Procedure. The results of this study are based on data collected from various primary schools in the Netherlands. 377 participants from grade 1 were included. Early mathematical skills were measured with the Utrechtse Numeracy Test-3 (UGT-3) and reading skills with the Three-Minutes-Test (DMT). Results. The results indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between early mathematical and reading skills in Dutch children from grade 1, with no moderating effect from gender. Conclusion. It can be concluded that there is a small to medium relationship between early mathematical and reading skills. Furthermore, gender does not moderate this relationship. Implications. Recommendations are to investigate other aspects of reading skills besides the technical aspect of reading skills in future research. Finally, it can be concluded that providing early extra support to reading skills from children in order to promote their mathematical skills is highly recommended.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleVoorbereidende rekenvaardigheid, leesvaardigheid en de rol van sekse
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsreading; mathematics; early mathematical skills; UGT-3; DMT; gender
dc.subject.courseuuPedagogische Wetenschappen

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