dc.description.abstract | Satisfaction with work-family balance (SWFB) is an important indicator of individuals’ health and wellbeing. Nonetheless, research focusing on SWFB is lacking and literature concentrates on Anglo-saxon countries. Full-time workers have been overrepresented by the studies, despite part-time work arrangements have been an increasing strategy to cope with work and family responsibilities, especially for women. Applying Voydanoff’s demands-resources theoretical approach, our research examines the predictors associated to SWFB in Chile and explores the moderator role of gender on the relationship between work arrangements and SWFB. Cross-sectional data was obtained from the Chilean National Time Use Survey (ENUT 2015). A subsample of 9,204 workers was utilized. Through multiple regression analyses, our results illustrate that most of the demands have a negative influence on SWFB, while almost all the resources included are positively linked to SWFB. Only family-related predictors showed mixed results. Further, work arrangements with longer working hours have lower SWFB, and gender was an influential moderator for full-time work arrangements, where women exhibit a significant lower level of SWFB than men. Marginal and substantial female part-time workers reveal higher levels of SWFB than their male counterpart, however, those effects are not significant. Our findings depict the prevalence of traditional gender roles in the Chilean society. Implications for further research and interventions are discussed, especially regarding the generation of policies questioning these traditional gender norms, and improving working conditions for part-time workers, which in turn could enhance SWFB for both men and women in Chile. | |