dc.description.abstract | This thesis argues that when a regulator has to make a decision between the privacy of the individual and the sustainability of the environment, non-human animals and future generations, she should choose the latter but only after she achieves informed consent. The moral dilemma addressed in this thesis is therefore, “How does the regulator choose between the privacy of the individual European citizen and the sustainability of the environment, non-human animals and future generations?”. And consequently, where does the regulator draw the line between individual privacy and a sustainable energy grid that will benefit mankind (not to mention animals, plants, etc.) and assist in slowing down global warming? In this paper, I am going to address this ethical dilemma and come to a concluding suggestion in an effort to assist regulatory and legislatory authorities. In order to do so, I shall elaborate the issue from the perspective of both aspects, namely preserving privacy or preserving sustainability. | |