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dc.contributor.advisorRijt, B. v.d.
dc.contributor.authorBakker, S.A.
dc.contributor.authorAdriaanse, J.M.
dc.description.abstractBackground. Mathematic skills are some of the most important skills a child learns during childhood. In order to develop these skills properly, early numeracy should be developed well. It’s important to measure these skills at an early age to prevent mathematical problems Aim. In the current study it is examined whether two tests, which claim to measure early numeracy, measure the same concept. In addition the relationship between those two tests and gender and ethnicity is being examined. Method. A total of 107 early elementary school children, both boys and girls, took part in this study. To measure early numeracy, the Utrechtse Getalbegrip Toets 3 (UGT-3) and the Cito Rekenen voor Kleuters (Cito RvK) will be used. Results. Results of this study show no significant differences between ethnicity and sex on both the UGT-3 and the Cito RvK. Other results of this study show a significant correlation between the UGT-3 and the Cito RvK. Conclusion. There is a correspondence in the way the UGT-3 and the Cito RvK is being measured. There is no difference in number sense between boys and girls. Likewise there is no difference in number sense between autochthonous children and immigrant children. More research is needed to be able to generalize the conclusions and to get a better understanding of early numeracy.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleDe Relatie tussen Voorbereidende Rekenvaardigheid, Sekse en Etniciteit bij Kinderen uit Groep 2.
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsEarly numeracy;UGT-3;Cito RvK;Ethnicity;Gender; Preschoolers;Early Elementary School Children
dc.subject.courseuuPedagogische Wetenschappen

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