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dc.contributor.advisorLeeuwen, A. van
dc.contributor.advisorJanssen, J.J.H.M.
dc.contributor.authorGerrits, L.
dc.description.abstractCSCL dashboards are the best way to present student interactions during collaborative learning. Monitoring student interactions on CSCL dashboards is important for teachers to provide appropriate support. Previous research suggests that two teacher characteristics could relate to the use of CSCL dashboards: data literacy and experience with collaboration. Literature has shown that there might be a relationship between data literacy and the use of CSCL dashboards because high data literacy ensures proper ‘data evaluation’ and ‘data application’. Moreover, there are indications that experience with collaboration might moderate the relationship between data literacy and the use of CSCL dashboards. However, these teacher characteristics remain mostly unexamined. This study aims to investigate the relationship between data literacy and experience of collaboration on the use of CSCL dashboard. Forty student teachers and teachers participated in the study in which they completed questionnaires and were presented with eight dashboard situations. Two multiple regression analyses and four moderation analyses were performed to analyse the data. However, no significant relationships were found. Follow-up research could investigate other factors that underlie the use of CSCL dashboards, such as teachers' attitude towards computers.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleA Study on Teacher Characteristics and the Use of CSCL Dashboards
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsCSCL dashboards; teacher dashboards; data literacy; collaborative learning; experience with collaboration
dc.subject.courseuuEducational Sciences

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