dc.description.abstract | This paper focuses on self-control in children. Originally the aim was to perform an experiment, but unfortunately the covid-19 pandemic made that impossible. Therefore, a research was done with already existing data testing the hypothesis that strategies of children with respect to the ‘delay of gratification’ can be divided in motor, visual and verbal strategies. The second hypothesis is that externalized behaviour over time is associated with ‘delay of gratification’, gender and the educational attainment of the parents Qualitative results: Most of the observed behaviour were coping strategies And of these observed strategies most of them were motor strategies. But the camera placement and the explanation of the task were different in both movies, so the comparison was not adequate. Quantitative: There were multiple analyses done by using a repeated measures ANOVA in which externalized behavior over time was the dependent variable, and gender, failing or completing the waiting task and the education level of the parents were the dependent variables. Discussion: From the information in this research there can be concluded there is a relation between self-control, externalizing behavior, the social economic status and gender. But the nature of this relationship has to be further examined. For future research there has to be more sight for the way of conducting the research. Such as camera placement, way of explaining and the environment of the experiment. | |