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dc.contributor.advisorValk, I. van der
dc.contributor.advisorRejaän, Z.
dc.contributor.authorButter, L.M. den
dc.contributor.authorBerg, D.J. van den
dc.description.abstractBackground: Annually, about 86.000 Dutch minors are faced with the divorce or separation of their parents. Research shows that this can affect children; they have an increased risk of facing problems compared to their peers from intact families. However, research often focuses on the effects of a divorce on children and much less on young adults. Moreover, no research has yet been conducted into the need for support of young adults in the Netherlands. Aim: This study explored the perceived problems around a parental divorce on adolescents, to examine if and how they had a need for support regarding this. Method: A self-report questionnaire was used to investigate the burden and need for help. 264 Dutch young adults participated, aged 16 to 24, and of different education levels, already working or seeking for work. Results: The analyses show that seventy percent of the respondents perceive problems regarding parental divorce. This often seems to be internalizing in nature or relate to the parent-child contact or romantic relationships. Thirty percent of the respondents appear to have a need for support. Individual help is the preferred form of help. Regarding the topics they would like to be addressed, they mention how the divorce affected them personally and their experiences and emotions. Finally, it appears that the need for help increases as young adults report more problems. Conclusion: This study shows that more attention should be paid to young adults from divorced parents in literature, clinical practice and society, as they are also affected by the divorce and a considerable part of them indicate they would like to have some support or counseling to help them cope better.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleJongvolwassenen en de ouderlijke scheiding: De ervaren scheidingslast en hulpbehoefte van Nederlandse jongvolwassenen.
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsDivorce; young adults; adolescent; perceived problems; burden; need for support.
dc.subject.courseuuPedagogische Wetenschappen

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