dc.description.abstract | In this thesis we discuss event shapes of simulated pp collisions as generated by PYTHIA 8, a
program for high-energy particle collision simulations developed by Lund University, based on the
Monte-Carlo method. We analyze two sets of simulated events (one minimum bias, one with hard
only hard QCD processes at ˆpT ,min = 20GeV) by calculating a triplet of event shapes: transverse
sphericity, spherocity and 3-dimensional sphericity, the correlations between them, and how they
perform for different cuts in multiplicity and pseudorapidity η. Subsequently, we will use FastJet3 to
find jets in these events and analyze how the existence of one or multiple jets affects performance of
the different event shape observables. We conclude that for events with hard QCD processes, all event
shape observables are reasonable indicators of jets in an event. Transverse sphericity and spherocity
struggle with events with large spread in η, which 3-dimensional sphericity does account for. For
minimum bias events, none of the event shape observables are trustworthy indicators of jets in an
event, nor the other way around, unless all low-multiplicity events are omitted from the dataset, in
which case the performance of all event shape observables is improved significantly. | |