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dc.contributor.advisorVreugdenhil, C.
dc.contributor.authorFranken, S.
dc.description.abstractGreening the Grey - a spatial multi-criteria analysis to identify and prioritize urban greening locations in Amsterdam-Zuid Like many other European cities, Amsterdam continues to grow. Rapid growth results in the densification of the city, at the expense of green areas due to lack of space. Too little greenery results in various environmental and social problems. This research aims at making Amsterdam Zuid more sustainable by identifying possible locations for green parks that have the most impact on improving the immediate living environment and which are easily accessible for neighborhood residents. The research is based on a combination of research methods, starting with a literature study to identify urban liveability issues. Potential urban park locations are identified by using location requirements, location size, and the perimeter-area ratio. The connection value is calculated using the space syntax method to determine the accessibility of each potential location. Finally, the connection values and urban liveability problems are classified and combined in a multi-criteria analysis. Urban green spaces alleviate different urban liveability issues by reducing the risk of flooding, cooling during high temperatures, ensuring biodiversity, contributing to better health and well-being, and creating satisfaction with the living environment. By combining the five urban liveability issues with connectivity, the multi-criteria analysis is implemented, resulting in a map with the need for urban green space in the area. The values of this map are assigned to the potential urban park locations. The result is based on the average priority value of the multi-criteria analysis per potential urban park location. 99 potential urban park locations have been identified in the research area. The potential urban park locations are classified from low to high priority. Of the 10 parks with the highest score, 9 are in the stadium area. Therefore, the greatest profit can be achieved herewith regard to the reduction of problems in the urban climate and provides a more pleasant living environment for city dwellers.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleGreening the Grey
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsGIS, MCA, Space Syntax, Urban Green Spaces, Sustainability, Amsterdam
dc.subject.courseuuGeographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA)

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