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dc.contributor.advisorPechlivanis, Paschalis
dc.contributor.authorHack, J.I.
dc.description.abstractThis thesis studies the role of the Berlin Process in the efforts of EU member states to promote regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. The behaviour of these actors was analysed by using different logics of social action. These can help explain how norms, ideas, and practices spread in international relations. This research thereby fills a gap in the literature, as scholars have thus far only focussed on the role of the EU in promotion regional cooperation in international politics. It concludes that the objective of EU members states has been to enhance the EU integration of the Western Balkans by promoting regional cooperation through the Berlin Process. They have thereby used an inherently different approach compared to the EU-owned enlargement process. The Berlin Process has also been more successful in stimulating regional cooperation among the Western Balkan states. This shows the need for more research on the effect of EU member states owned initiatives on the EU enlargement process.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe role of the Berlin Process in Promoting Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans - A path towards EU integration?'
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsRegional Cooperation; Western Balkans; EU Enlargement; Logics of Social Action; Berlin Process
dc.subject.courseuuInternational Relations in Historical Perspective

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