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dc.contributor.advisorVan Egdom, G.M.W.
dc.contributor.authorBootsma, M.M.J.
dc.description.abstractThis thesis discusses what makes transmedial works so complex and what factors need to be taken into consideration when translating such a work, especially with regard to its hybrid status and multimodal nature. The case study for this subject is the combination of a graphic novel and a concept album called Skin & Earth by singer-songwriter Lights. The research question answered in this thesis is as follows: What are the main problems or limitations that arise when translating the transmedial work Skin & Earth by Lights, and what solutions can be deemed most suitable? The main problems when translating such a transmedial work stem from the intermedial relations between the different modes and the way in which every mode provides information.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe Complexity of Transmediality in Translation: A Case Study of Lights' Skin & Earth
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsTransmedia, Transmediality, Translation, Multimodality, Hybrid Art, Graphic Novel, Comic, Concept Album, Lights, Skin & Earth, Intertextuality, Intersemiotic Translation, English, Dutch, Master, Thesis, Literary Translation

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