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dc.contributor.advisor't Hart, P.
dc.contributor.advisorLuetjens, Joannah
dc.contributor.authorDekkers, M.C.
dc.description.abstractThis research studies how frontline boundary spanners (FBSs) create common ground between citizens, service providers, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders in complex social policy settings. A framework is developed grounded in empirical data from interviews with (frontline) boundary spanners, depicting the three-stage process of FBSs creating common ground between citizens and the system world, and between parties within this system world. Additionally, this study provides an illustrative case describing ‘Red Carpet Coaches’ as FBSs creating common ground, using the framework to understand their behavior. This study emphasizes the relevance of distinguishing between frontline and strategic boundary spanning and calls for more research addressing this specific type.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleFrontline boundary spanners: how frontline boundary spanners create common ground between citizens, social services, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders in complex social policy settings
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsboundary spanning; collaborative governance; network; street-level bureaucrats; public sector;
dc.subject.courseuuResearch in Public Administration and Organisational Science

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