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dc.contributor.advisorStallinga, Dr. H.A.
dc.contributor.advisorvan Dijk, Dr. M.
dc.contributor.authorWeele, L. van der
dc.description.abstractIn patients with hematological-oncological diseases, the demand for care is changing, due to the complexity of treatments and improved survival. These patients experience long-term complications from their disease and psychosocial effects. Therefore, the healthcare provision should not only focus on the disease but also focus on patients’ functioning. Focusing on patients’ functioning has a positive effect on patients’ self-management. Supporting self-management generally improve health outcomes and quality of life in patients with a chronic disease. This study wanted to determine the influence of a new care strategy ‘functioning as focus in care’ on self-management in patients with a hematological-oncological disease admitted at a hematology department. As a result of this study can be concluded that no statements can be made regarding the influence of the new care strategy on patient's self-management, due to incomplete implementation of the intervention by low frequency of nurse-patient visits. Our study determined that hematological-oncological patients already have high self-management-scores at baseline due to the knowledge and experience of earlier admissions. In addition, there is a significant decrease in PAM-scores, hence a reduction in self-management, during hospital stay in all patients with hematological-oncological diseases. This places high demands on a new care strategy to increase self-management.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleThe influence of ‘functioning as focus in care’ on self-management in patients with a hematological- oncological disease The influence of ‘functioning as focus in care’ on self-management in patients with a hematological- oncological disease The influence of ‘functioning as focus in care’ on self-management in patients with a hematological- oncological disease The influence of 'functioning as focus in care' on self-management in patients with a hematological- oncological disease
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsPatient Activation Measure, Self-management, Hematology, Health, Functioning

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