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dc.contributor.advisorBrand, N.A.
dc.contributor.advisorOverbeek, S.J.
dc.contributor.authorHessels, J.N.
dc.description.abstractStrategic business-IT alignment has been proven to enhance business performance. Although its long existence, current measurement models lack practicality, research to specific organizational contexts and are outdated due to emerging technologies. This study tries to fill these gaps by developing an assessment model that combines IT and business aspects to enhance strategic business-IT alignment, specifically for the public sector. The model is applied and validated in a large Dutch executional government organization, Rijkswaterstaat, by performing a case study. Overall, the model performed well and considered eligible for measuring strategic business-IT alignment in the public sector. However, future research is necessary to further refine and validate the model to verify its appropriateness in other public sector organizations as well, specifically executional government organizations.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleDeveloping an Assessment Model to Measure Strategic Business IT-Alignment within a large Dutch Executional Government Organization
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsStrategic business-IT alignment, public sector, assessment model, maturity, case study
dc.subject.courseuuBusiness Informatics

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