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dc.contributor.advisorBaar, P.
dc.contributor.advisorRood, R. van 't
dc.contributor.authorVrieswijk, S.J.
dc.description.abstractThe general aim of this research was to gain insight in the working elements of the WTP and the STAR-school program with regard to ATL in Indian primary schools. Research questions were formulated towards teachers’ practices, perceptions, and experienced environmental factors towards ATL. In total 10 in-depth interviews with teachers, and 11 observations in different classes were conducted. Overall, it can be said that teachers scored quite positive on providing children with active learning activities during their lessons. Nevertheless, it can be questioned if teachers are always teaching in this active manner. Concerning perceptions, it was found that attitudes were mainly positive, social influences were not always supportive, and it was difficult to reflect on their own skills. When talking about barriers, teachers only focused on external conditions. This study has led to some working elements and implications for the further development of the WTP for both Edukans and the YCDA. The main focus is on increasing knowledge, supportive environment and fitting into the Indian cultural values and beliefs.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleActive Teaching and Learning in Indian Primary Education
dc.type.contentMaster Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsActive Teaching and Learning; child-centered education; India; World Teacher Program
dc.subject.courseuuYouth, Education and Society

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