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dc.contributor.advisorSnellings, R.
dc.contributor.advisorMargutti, J.
dc.contributor.authorNimour, R.
dc.description.abstractThe magnetic fields in relativistic heavy ion collisions can get up to 10^15 T[1]. These fields become so huge because charges (protons) are moving at very high speeds very close to the observation point. In this thesis a program used to simulate relativistic heavy ion collisions, TRENTo (Reduced Thickness Event-by-Event Nuclear Topology [2]), is used to simulate the magnetic field in heavy ion collisions, in order to study the spatial and time dependence of the magnetic field in such collisions. TRENTo is a nice tool to simulate events because it already simulates different events by randomly placing nucleons in accordance to the Woods-Saxon distribution, an approximate nucleon density distribution for heavy atoms. The simulations carried out in this thesis give rise to a magnetic field of up to 10^16 T. There are several differences between the results from TRENTo and the existing literature, but TRENTo seems to be working as intended, and gives results which are expected.
dc.description.sponsorshipUtrecht University
dc.titleSimulations of Magnetic Fields in Heavy Ion Collisions
dc.type.contentBachelor Thesis
dc.rights.accessrightsOpen Access
dc.subject.keywordsParticle Physics, simulation, collisions, heavy ions, magnetic fields,
dc.subject.courseuuNatuur- en Sterrenkunde

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